Charles Warren Adams (1833-1903) was an English lawyer, writer and publisher. Little is known of him, but he is credited with having written [The Notting Hill mystery->artXXX] under the pseudonym of Charles Felix.
Apparently as a lawyer he bailed out the publishing firm Saunders, Otley & Co, which then published two works of Adams, and “Velvet lawns” in 1864, and before that, [The Notting Hill mystery->artXXX] in 1863, after first being serialised in “Once a week” over a period spanning more than a year, thus preceding Gaboriau's L'Affaire Lerouge by merely a year in the chronology of detective and crime novels. Adams also became the secretary of the anti-vivisection society.
© 2013- Les Éditions de Londres
ISBN : 978-1-909782-15-0
Date de parution : 22 juin 2013
Nombre de pages : 139 pages
“The Notting Hill mystery” is an English detective novel written and published in 1863 by Charles Félix, very probably the pseudonym of Charles Warren Adams, a lawyer, writer and publisher. “The Notting Hill mystery” is considered in the English-speaking world to be the first detective or crime novel ever written, (...)
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